
Unit 6 Life in the future 教學案例(人教版高二英語上冊教學案例)

發(fā)布時間:2016-12-8 編輯:互聯網 手機版

東海中學 程瀾


閱讀是人們獲取信息的一種重要途徑,也是人類社會文化交流的一種重要形式。閱讀理解能力的高低直接影響和制約著一個人的聽、說、寫幾方面能力的形成和發(fā)展。因此,提高中學生的閱讀理解能力是中學英語教學的一項主要目標和要求。如何培養(yǎng)中學生的閱讀能力是教學中的重點。下列是我以第二冊Life in the future為例, 對閱讀教學的探索。

教學目標:1. 理解并掌握一些重要的英語表達方式,培養(yǎng)用英語思維的意識。 

2. 提高英語的閱讀能力。

3. 讓學生更多地了解未來的生活。

教學難點 1.幫助學生閱讀課文并充分獲得相關信息!

     2. 提高學生的閱讀能力! 

教學準備 多媒體課件 


Step 1. Preparation for reading

1. listen to the English song “What ever will be will be”

2. let students enjoy some marvelous pictures about the future, for example , a city over the sea..


Step 2. Reading for information

1. Skimming

.Read the text and find out in which paragraph you can find the answer to the following questions.

1) How will people shop in the future?

2) How will people travel in the future?

3) What will schools be like in the future?

4) What will the human body be like ?

5) What will the future be like in general?

2.Scanning for details

1) Compared with the past, what is the most important thing in future transportation?

2) Why will the meglev train be popular in the future?

3) What will become more and more popular in the future business?

4) What is the store like in the future?

What can people do in the malls in the future?

5) How will people pay for their purchase?

6) will people in the future be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life? Why?

7) How will the schools of the future be different from what they are today?

8) How will the way we view learning and knowledge change?

9) What will be future like in general?

10) What is one way to catch a glimpse of the future?

3. listening and discussion ,discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the following things: future transportation, smart cards, online shopping and e-schools. , Then fill in the table

on the screen.

advantage disadvantages

Future transportation Clean, fast, safe, without pollution High cost expensive

Smart cards Convenient ,safe none

Online shopping Convenient ,time saving No guarantee of quality

e-schools Interesting, convenient, saving time No face- to –face coach

反思:略讀(skimming)和查讀( scanning)是快速獲得信息的手段。本案例中通過四個問題的略讀,幫助學生學會怎樣快速地通過小標題的提示,找出所要的信息。又通過十個問題的查讀幫助學生快速找到想要得到的具體信息,讓學生了解未來生活的具體內容,同時培養(yǎng)學生快速閱讀的能力。接著通過討論這個環(huán)節(jié),讓每個學生都能主動參與,互相交流。更好地了解未來的生活!

Step 3. Reading for comprehension

Bead the passage fully and choose the best answer.

1.The new maglev train is a good example of future transportation NOT because ______. B

A. it travels s faster

B. it becomes much cheaper

C. it ensures safety.

D. It doesn’t pollute the environment

2. What’s the meeting of the future transportation in Paragraph 2 ? D

A. Not pollution B. High speed C. Safety D. All of the above

3. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? D

A. E-learning B. Knowledge C. Effects D. Education

4. Which of the following will be least likely to help people in the future to enjoy a longer and healthier life? B

A. Exercises regularly.

B. A balanced diet

C. Advances in medical science]

D. A better understanding of smallpox.

5. According to the last paragraph ,which of the following will probably take place in the future? A

A. People will look at education and knowledge differently.

B. Students will not have to homewok.

C. Real classrooms will disappear gradually

D. The schools of the future will remain the same.

反思: 閱讀理解能力的素質主要體現在兩個方面。一是快速閱讀,二是準確理解。兩者缺一不可。現行教材對檢驗“準確理解”的問題設計似有欠缺,一些套式化的問題無法檢驗出學生是否理解了課文的所有重要信息。一些教師對“深入理解”也敬而遠之,課堂上用大量的圖片信息(形象思維)代替語言信息(邏輯思維),對學生“照本宣科”的做法(學生從課文中找到相關信息后往往一字不動地原句讀出)無可奈何地敷衍過去。其實,教材恰恰給教師提供了一個自由發(fā)揮的天地,教師完全可以按照自己對課文信息的深刻理解,設計一些幫助學生深刻把握課文要旨的問題。本步驟在這方面做了一些嘗試。問題設計套用了高考對閱讀理解的考查方式(但并不一定是唯一的或最好的方式),正確項和干擾項都不是課文中的原句,但都與課文信息有相當大的關聯,都能夠迫使學生回到課文信息本身,進行分析,歸納,推理,猜測,比較等高級思維活動,即,學生必須非常準確地理解所有的信息才能做出正確的選擇。閱讀教學中進行這一步驟是必要的,否則,學生對課文的信息的把握就只停留在“信息”這一層面上,而不能深入去觸及和領悟課文的“要旨”。教師如果長期忽略這一環(huán)節(jié),學生就會養(yǎng)成一些對以后學習極為不利的習慣。如虛浮的閱讀習慣,對語言信息失去了應有的靈敏感覺。對任何學習內容馬馬乎乎,淺嘗輒止;懶于動腦,不善思維等等。有些學生在初中就養(yǎng)成了這些習慣,到高中又不注重“動口,動手”轉到“動腦”這個環(huán)節(jié),因此,學習成績每況日下。所以,對這一環(huán)節(jié)必須引起充分的重視,教師應當探尋引導學生深入理解的課堂教學手段,促使學生形成良好的學習習慣和思維風格。

Step 4. Reading for language awareness ,

1. Read the passage to find the English version for these Chinese expression. (fill in the blanks)

Para. one 1.未來的生活 life in the future2.對未來發(fā)展做出一些預測 make forecasts about future development3.窺測catch a glimpse of

4.主要趨勢major trends5.在當代社會 in contemporary society

Para. two 1.當前的趨勢current trends2.公共交通public transportation

3.新型的磁懸浮列車the new maglev train

4.環(huán)保 environmentally friendly5. 以430公里的驚人時速at an amazing 430km/h6.保證安全ensure safety

Para.three1.通常 as usual

2.改變方式reform the way 3.網上購物的好處advantages of online shopping4.保持聯系keep in touch with5.尋找search for6.生活必需品 basic goods 7.把…結合在一起combine …with…Para four 1.更加長壽健康enjoy a longer and healthier life 2.保持積極的生活remain active 3.更加注重pay more attention to

4.定期運動exercise regularly

5.治療新的疾病deal with new diseases

6.引起lead to

3.1).It is possible to use models to make forecast about future development.

2).One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some major trends in contemporary society.

3).To ensure safety, the train in controlled by an advanced computer system.

4). The Internet makes it easier for company to keep in touch with customers.

5). We will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store .

反思:閱讀教學中另外一個被忽視的方面就是“在閱讀中培養(yǎng)學生的語言意識”。對于教材對 “Word study” 和“Grammar”的設置,教師的一般做法是、要么完全按照教材的安排;要么回到老路上逐句翻譯,摘引大量的例句來解釋重點詞語和重點句型。前者的焦點在“信息”上,將課堂變成了 “信息交流會”;后者的焦點在 “語言”上,將課堂變成了“語法講習所”。如果僅僅是為了得到信息,用漢語信息要比英語信息快得多;如果純粹是為了學語法,又不用拿一篇文章來做樣子。能不能在閱讀教學中將兩者較好地結合起來哪?本步驟在這方面進行了一些探討。



第二步,讓學生在理解表達同一意思的不同表達方式的基礎上,培養(yǎng)學生的“句型”意識和“變化”意識。英語中的許多詞匯(尤其是動詞)在使用過程中往往與固定的句型分不開的,如seem 的用法。有些近義詞之間的差異是用句型來區(qū)別的,如 likely, possible,和probable。同義表達還可以讓我們體會到英語的詞義與功能(句子成份)之間的對應關系。在同義表達中我們可以找到許多具有英語特質的東西,可以感覺到只有在英語中才能體會到的語言感覺。同義表達是在閱讀教學中培養(yǎng)學生的良好的語言意識的最有效的手段之一。 



Step 5. Reading for use

Based on imagination and what we’ve learned today, say something about your future life , then write down.

At the end of the class , hope the students have a bright future!

反思 :聽是為了能說,讀是為了能寫。通過上面的4個步驟。學生了解了一些未來生活的趨勢,學習了一些詞匯,短語和句型。這時,讓學生來說(寫)。他們會感到既想說(寫),又能,會說(寫)!
