In April 1884 Freud read of a German army doctor who had successfully employed e as a means of increasing the energy and endurance of soldiers. He determined to obtain some for himself and try it as a treatment for other conditionsheart disease, nervous exhaustion and addiction. It was little known at that time and the extensive ethical and methodological rules governing modern drug trials did not exist.
Freud took some himself and was immediately impressed with the sense of well-being it engendered, without diminishing his capacity for work. Having read a report in the Detroit Medical Gazette concerning its value in the treatment of addictions his next step was to recommend the substance as a harmless substitute to his friend and colleague, Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow. Fleischl. Who had become a addict following repeated therapeutic administrations for intractable neurological pain and was in desperate straits, took to e with enthusiasm and was soon consuming it in large quantities.
Meanwhile Freud continued to extol the virtues of the drug, writing a review essay on the subject, taking it himself and pressing it upon his fiancee, friends as a panacea for all ills, He had gone overboard with enthusiasm, writing to Martha when he heard she had lost her appetite,Woe to you, my Princess. When I come. I will kiss you quite red and fees you till you are plump. And if you are forward you shall see who is the stronger, a gentle little girl who doesnt eat enough or a big wild man who has e in his body.