1. How to count to 10.1、學(xué)會(huì)如何(在發(fā)飆前)數(shù)到十
Anger isn't your friend. In fact, learning to control it could add years to your life.Besides, nobody really likes that guy who screams at the waiter because the soup is too salty, now do they?憤怒可不是我們的良師益友。事實(shí)上,學(xué)會(huì)控制憤怒的情緒有助于延年益壽。還有,沒有人會(huì)喜歡對(duì)著服務(wù)生吼叫抱怨湯太咸的人,對(duì)吧?
2. How to play nice with strangers.2、學(xué)會(huì)如何對(duì)陌生人友好
Doing nice things for people makes us feel better. In fact, studies show that those who volunteer reap health benefits that may help them live longer.對(duì)陌生人友好也會(huì)讓自己感覺更好。更有研究顯示樂于奉獻(xiàn)的人身心會(huì)更健康,壽命會(huì)更長。
3. How to be content.3、知足常樂
You have what you have and that's what you have. The acquisition of things rarely raises our happiness quotient, but the quest for them certainly lowers it.擁抱你目前擁有的'一切。我們所得到的很少能夠提高幸福指數(shù),而我們所渴求的必然會(huì)降低它。
4. How to love nature.4、學(xué)會(huì)如何熱愛大自然
The more time you spend outside, the happier you will be.你在戶外花的時(shí)間越多,就會(huì)越快樂。
5. How to not abuse your body.5、不要糟蹋自己的身體
After all, you only get one and spare parts are hard to find. An estimated 32 percent of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. 畢竟,身體只有一個(gè),要找“備胎”可就難了。據(jù)估計(jì),32%的致命車禍就是由醉酒的司機(jī)或是行人造成。
6. How to share.6、學(xué)會(huì)分享
Share. Not in a Facebook sharing way, but really share.去分享吧。不是指社交網(wǎng)站上的“分享”,是真正的“分享”。
7. How to make friends.7、學(xué)會(huì)交友
Some people think it's that your friends keep you from doing things that are bad for you. Frankly, we think it’s just that they make your life more fun and worthwhile.有人認(rèn)為,好朋友能夠阻止你做一些對(duì)你有害的事情。其實(shí)呢,他們只是給你的生活帶來了更多的樂趣和價(jià)值。
8. How to listen.8、學(xué)會(huì)傾聽
Sure, you probably hear just fine. But do you really listen? Do you read body language, facial expressions, what the eyes are telling you and not just the mouth?是啊,你也許會(huì)說我這不是聽得好好的嘛?赡阏娴挠姓J(rèn)真在聽嗎?你有在解讀對(duì)方的肢體語言、面部表情以及其他眼睛看到的,而不僅是耳朵聽到的嗎?
9. How to forgive.9、學(xué)會(huì)原諒
Everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. The difference is in how we react to that hurt. Forgive, even if you can't forget and you'll be better off for it.每個(gè)人都會(huì)被他人的行為或是言語傷害到。不同之處在于我們?nèi)绾螒?yīng)對(duì)他們。原諒他們吧,即使你無法忘懷,原諒了總會(huì)好受一些。
10. How to stick up for others.10、學(xué)會(huì)站出來支持別人
Playground bullies don't go away after 5th grade. They grow up and become bosses, neighbors and somebody's in-laws. Everyone deserves to live a bully-free life. Remember that if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.小學(xué)五年級(jí)操場上的霸凌者不會(huì)憑空消失。他們會(huì)長大,變成老板、鄰居、娘家人、婆家人。每個(gè)人都值得活在沒有霸凌的環(huán)境中。記住,如果你不是解決問題的那一方,你就相當(dāng)于自動(dòng)站到了制造問題的那一方。
11. How to say "yes" more than "no."11、學(xué)會(huì)多去肯定,而非否定
Negativity sucks the air out of a room. Life is less about what you make it and more about how you see it. See it positively or you will not only be miserable, but you’ll make everyone around you miserable to.負(fù)能量如同要把房間里的空氣抽干。人生更多時(shí)候并不是你把它創(chuàng)造成什么樣,而是它在你心中是什么樣。積極地看待人生,不然不光是你自己,身邊的人也會(huì)感到無比痛苦。