

時間:2021-06-12 11:31:16 摘抄 我要投稿


  The Goddess Within


  Divinity is light.

  In the deep recesses of her eyes

  I see the purity of it, a crystal

  Glow, burning, soothing,

  Set as a shrine upon her face,

  As her eyelashes bend gently,

  In fervent prayer for her favor.

  I see this, and I believe it to be true.

  The Goddess calls

  As soft and silent as gosling down on

  The winds of worship

  While the ears of my mind listen

  Intently to the voice I feel resonate

  But cannot hear.

  A delicate sort of beauty looks back at me.

  I perceive it, so it must be true.

  Aphrodite recoils in horror

  Heart pained, for the fact that

  Another could, should replace her.

  Do you see her hair flow down

  Around her neck, softer than the finest toil

  Of on thousand cotton mills

  In one thousand years?

  My eyes can feel, and I trust them.

  Her arrival was planned,

  It was no mystery at all.

  The powers of creation formed

  A divine silkworm to craft her

  Fair lips, for which many men

  Would give their blood to kiss.

  Venus sees, and stomps livid in rage!

  Who can tell me I am wrong?

  This is a new goddess,

  A fresh divinity, whose smile alone

  Pales the pleiades,

  And force Freya to retreat

  Hastily to her Norse lands.

  A gaze that sets planets in motion,

  Creating timeless pandemonium,

  This is conceivable, and my heart says, 'It is fact.'

  This queen of infinite beauty,

  Limitless grace, and blinding radiance,

  Holds the game together tightly.

  Her guards in the rear, alert,

  Her valiant warriors in front,

  Clearing her conquered plains,

  The fertile fields of many a soul.

  I have no boundaries, this is truth.

  Now I feel it, the heavy steps of

  Her footsoldiers taking the rational

  Heart I assumed to own,

  Inch, by foot, by mile.

  My humility and good sense cause

  Me to bow my head to the sword

  Of Immaculate Beauty she holds

  In her gentle hands.

  What is the name of the fairest?

  How shall I call my intangible queen?

  And does she know that the purest

  Goddess of all, incomparable, is within her?

  I feel, I know, I do believe it.

  If this is only my lot to be

  Court Jester, writing my lyric,

  I do it with eternal joy.

  Tsani Jones









