Run into the house, look at the clock, there are ten minutes to class, I rushed to school. There is no more student in the playground, no more!
來到教室門口,我剛要敲門,突然想:“進屋不影響 同學們聽課、老師講課嗎”想到這,我的手又縮了回 來。但是,就這樣站著怎么能行呢我終于鼓起勇氣,梆梆梆地敲了三下門。老師說一聲:“進來!”我走進教室。同學們的眼光都集中到我身上,我的臉刷地一下熱了,趕緊低下了頭,心怦怦跳著,等老師批評。老師卻撫
When I came to the door of the classroom, I was just about to knock on the door when I suddenly thought, "does not entering the room affect students' listening and teachers' lectures?" thinking of this, my hand shrank back again. But how can I stand like this? I finally got up my courage and knocked three times. The teacher said, "come in!" I went into the classroom. My classmates' eyes were all focused on me. My face was hot. I lowered my head and my heart was pounding, waiting for the teacher's criticism. The teacher asked
Touch my head and say kindly, "go back to your seat!" I salute the teacher.
放晚學了,王老師叫我到辦公室,我一邊走一邊想:王老師一定要狠狠地批評我一頓。到了辦公室,王老師拿了一把椅子,叫我坐下。然后,拿著數學書說: “張丹,第一節(jié)課你遲到了,學習內容可能沒聽明白,我給你補補課!奔拥臏I水流出了我的眼窩,我趕緊用手背抹去。王老師講得耐心,我聽得細心,聽得那么懂。
Late school, Mr. Wang told me to go to the office, and I thought as I walked along: Mr. Wang must be very critical of me. When I got to the office, Miss Wang took a chair and asked me to sit down. Then, he took the math book and said, "Zhang Dan, you are late for the first class. You may not understand the learning content. I will make up for you." Tears of excitement flowed out of my eyes, and I quickly wiped them off with the back of my hand. Mr. Wang spoke patiently. I listened carefully and understood that.
In order to check my mastery, Mr. Wang gave me several questions. I finished them and showed them to my teacher, who gave me 100 points.
I told my teacher the reason why I was late: grandma was ill, so I bought some medicine for her. The teacher smiled and touched my head and said, "you are a sensible child." When I left the office, I saluted the teacher again.