When the small eyes on a pair of thick eyebrows, and a small by the mouth, don't look at my head is small, actually very clever.
On one occasion, the teacher a comprehensive assignment, for us to interview love smoking father. I got home, immediately call mom take video recorder, help me to take the interview process. All of a sudden, I thought: this empty-handed interview dad a bit not good. My little head a thought of a way to immediately ran to the front of the a drawer take out a bad microphone poser, said: "I'm ready." Mom smiled said: "you really can recycling."
In my mother and I, under the guidance of finding out the relevant information, but dad bad memory, is back not to come out, my mother and I walk around to find a way to. Suddenly I a brainwave, excited, said: "I figure out a way, to print the information down first, and then mother take video recorder at the front, data get behind, so dad appears, video can't see, this is not kill two birds with one stone?" Mom, dad listened to the straight nodded said: "why didn't we think? Thanks to your head and clever, don't dismiss your little head anymore." In this way, our interview smoothly completed, also praised by the teacher the classmates. I'm glad to touch the little head, said to himself: "little head count you enough today!" Thinking about, and took a few little head.
Ha ha! This is a clever and smart I, you say?
在我和媽媽的.指點下,找出了相關資料,但爸爸記性太差,實在是背不出來,我和媽媽走來走去想辦法。忽然我靈機一動,興奮的說:“我想出辦法了,先把這段資料打印下來,然后媽媽把錄像機拿在前面,資料拿在后面,這樣爸爸看得見,可錄像機卻看不見,這不是一舉兩得了嗎?”媽媽爸爸聽了,直點頭稱贊說:“我們怎么沒想到呢?多虧你腦袋機靈,以后再也不小瞧你的小腦袋了! 就這樣,我們的采訪很順利的完成了,還得到了老師同學們的贊揚。我高興地摸著小腦袋,心里說:“小腦子今天算你夠厲害!”想著,又拍了幾下小腦袋。